Monday 31 March 2014

Whats in the Future of Wearables?

Wearables are in its infancy.

PSFK published a report on the future of wearables: The future is unlimited in possibilities, but PSFK sheds some light as to some of the effects:

Connected Intimacy: People will now be interconnected at all times, knowing and sharing all details with each other, regardless of physical distance. The PSFK report outlines three future developments that will attain a connected intimacy, Long-Distance Togetherness, Data-Streamed Care and Emotional Mirror.

Long-Distance Togetherness refers to the effects of haptics and feedback systems that create a connection regardless of distance, simulating togetherness and giving comfort that only people provide. Products like Hug-Simulating jackets will allow parents to comfort their kids through mobile devices and Watches will respond to touch to keep long-distance relationships. Love lives will be helped through wearable technologies.

Data-Streamed Care will allow people's fitness, health, mood and overall performance to be monitored by health-care professionals, managers and parents. There will be products, like Tooth-Embedded Sensors, which can tell dentists eating habits and dental health status updates, Diapers, which will be able to detect babies health issues and relay the info to parents and doctors, and GPS and fitness tracking software which will allow athletes performance and health to be tracked.

An Emotional Mirror will be set up, by which clothing will reflect the mood, activity and gaze, through sensors in clothing. Examples of this product will include Workout Gear, which visualizes activity levels in real-time, Gaze-Activated clothing, which will reflect when people look at clothing, and Body-Monitoring clothes that will display mood through clothing.

Tailored Ecosystem: A tailored ecosystem will be set up, whereby Wearable technology will adapt to give functions that are tailored to the individuals needs.

Wearable technologies will allow for Bespoke Biotech: 3D printing capabilities will allow items to be created to tailor to individuals needs.  3D printed prosthesis will offer fully functioning body parts, such as human hands, or printed hips. Exoskeletons will allow handicapped people to use body parts where they otherwise could not.

Wearable technologies will be Biometrically Attuned: Sensors embedded will gather information form the user and crate an environment to meet the individuals needs. Earbuds will be able to pick up and monitor wearer's mood, choosing the next song. Bracelets will be able to detect a body's temperature and send pulses to adjust the entire body, and they will be able to make suggestions based on mood and diet.

Wearable technology will allow athletes' progress to be monitored: Apps will personalize a workout based on stamina. Sensors embedded in shoes and socks will prevent injuries. Straps will help posture.

Wearable technology will allow for co-evolved possibilities, allowing the individual the capabilities of a computer with more sensory information, information relayed through interfaces and a memory reflected through the cloud.

Sensory perception will be augmented through sensors and devices in clothing, through hybrid technology. Biohacked, implanted headphones will allow individuals to locate where the sound came from. Contact lenses will be able to zoom in, helping the eye see better. Hearing aid glasses will allow sound to be amplified through bone conduction.

People will have on-board interfaces, whereby they will be empowered to reduce complex tasks through gestures. Electronic Makeup and wristbands will allow apps and gadgets to activate through micro-movements, like blinking. Photos will be able to be taken though blinking.

Wearable technology will allow individuals to authenticate and verify their identity with computers. Password Pills will be introduced, creating an identification process that is identifiable simply by touch. Wristbands will convert heartbeats into passwords. File transfers will be able to occur through fingers, replacing USB sticks and access keys.

Wearables will allow individuals to upload their experiences into the cloud in real-time, creating a cloud memory. Wearable life-logging cameras will allow photos to be uploaded in real time. Wristbands will record audio memory in real time. Sensors will monitor brainwaves and take videos hands-free.

For more details, check out PSFK and their forecast of Wearable Technology.

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