Thursday 27 March 2014

Narrative Clip - The diary for today

Once upon a time it was common place for explorers, soldiers and other great manly men to write out their lives and experiences in a daily journal, or diary.

This trend is continuing with current soldiers. I spoke with Master Corporal Siwy, a 13 year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, who kept a journal of both his tours in Afghanistan. "I kept a diary for my first tour daily, and on my second tour I kept an on and off diary."

Narrative Clip takes a picture every 30 seconds in order to log life.

Wouldn't you like to see Grandpa's story, of when he fought in Korea, at every moment? No more "There was this guy and he did the strangest of things: He wore ladies stockings... said it kept him warm!".

You can get your Narrative Clip for $279.

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