Sunday 30 March 2014

Wanna be a better worker? Simple: Get a Google Glass.

Doctors are now using Google Glass to monitor vital signs of patients. This is proof that Google Glass will make you not only more productive, but more informed.

This, coupled with communicable devices, like your talking fridge, can be a killer benefit.

Imagine: A future where not only doctors can receive up to date info, but everyone; Plumbers, Electricians, Police Officers.

If you're working in logistics in a world with communicating devices and wearables, you would immediately know what you have and what you need. Instead of having those ten warehouse workers, you'll need but a few: Stock taking will be a breeze.

Firms are now out to use this technology in all walks of business:

Wearable technology is in its infancy. The benefits will not only make you more productive in your social time, but will enable you to do so much more.
Google Glass will have many benefits in the workplace. Howard Lo, of, explained some benefits of Google Glass in the workplace:

Quality Check: Managers will now be able to know the state of their products, whether they be defective or of poor quality. This would stop defective batches from leaving the production line.

Efficiency Check: Managers will now be able to know how they can make workers more efficient. Is there a faster way to do X activity?

Safety Check: Managers will now be able to know whats unsafe and what is safe in the workplace. Are the crates at the high shelf hanging too far of the ledge? More eyes on the ground means a higher level of safety.

Note-Taking Abilities: Forgot what someone said at the meeting? Audio-to-text, or a video, will allow for every word to be remembered.

Monitoring: In general, the manager will now be able to see everything the worker sees. Overall, workers will be monitored more than previously if a firm adopts this technology.

There are some problems with Google Glass making its appearance in the workplace. Firstly, Google Glass Explorer(the edition already in the market sold for developers) costs $1500. Some people argue that Google Glass will be at a much cheaper $299. This would make sense, as Google has been buying up firms that create materials for their Google Glass, namely: Himax, a supplier of Glass displays. Further, it could be argued that this is a form of price discrimination: People who are buying the explorer are diehard wearable-tech fans and businesses who are willing to pay such high prices. If this is price discrimination, Google will be able to fork out a profit selling its product at a lower price when it comes out to the general public.

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