Monday 31 March 2014

Data Security risks of Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology people want wearable technology and it shows in sales: Credit Suisse, a Swiss Financial Services provider predicted a growth in annual sales to $50bn in the wearable tech industry by 2018. 

Wearable techs has many capabilities will allow constant real-time cloud connectivity... but, there is a hidden risk; data security. Sensors in wearable technology can monitor and intake personal information about the user. Information, such as fitness info, personal conversations and diet can be at risk.

While there is an issue with privacy, health-care and insurance firms would likely pay for information about your health status and regular exercise. Firms will be able to use the information collected by wearables for profit. As stated, "You will have no secrets."

Whats in the Future of Wearables?

Wearables are in its infancy.

PSFK published a report on the future of wearables: The future is unlimited in possibilities, but PSFK sheds some light as to some of the effects:

Connected Intimacy: People will now be interconnected at all times, knowing and sharing all details with each other, regardless of physical distance. The PSFK report outlines three future developments that will attain a connected intimacy, Long-Distance Togetherness, Data-Streamed Care and Emotional Mirror.

Long-Distance Togetherness refers to the effects of haptics and feedback systems that create a connection regardless of distance, simulating togetherness and giving comfort that only people provide. Products like Hug-Simulating jackets will allow parents to comfort their kids through mobile devices and Watches will respond to touch to keep long-distance relationships. Love lives will be helped through wearable technologies.

Data-Streamed Care will allow people's fitness, health, mood and overall performance to be monitored by health-care professionals, managers and parents. There will be products, like Tooth-Embedded Sensors, which can tell dentists eating habits and dental health status updates, Diapers, which will be able to detect babies health issues and relay the info to parents and doctors, and GPS and fitness tracking software which will allow athletes performance and health to be tracked.

An Emotional Mirror will be set up, by which clothing will reflect the mood, activity and gaze, through sensors in clothing. Examples of this product will include Workout Gear, which visualizes activity levels in real-time, Gaze-Activated clothing, which will reflect when people look at clothing, and Body-Monitoring clothes that will display mood through clothing.

Tailored Ecosystem: A tailored ecosystem will be set up, whereby Wearable technology will adapt to give functions that are tailored to the individuals needs.

Wearable technologies will allow for Bespoke Biotech: 3D printing capabilities will allow items to be created to tailor to individuals needs.  3D printed prosthesis will offer fully functioning body parts, such as human hands, or printed hips. Exoskeletons will allow handicapped people to use body parts where they otherwise could not.

Wearable technologies will be Biometrically Attuned: Sensors embedded will gather information form the user and crate an environment to meet the individuals needs. Earbuds will be able to pick up and monitor wearer's mood, choosing the next song. Bracelets will be able to detect a body's temperature and send pulses to adjust the entire body, and they will be able to make suggestions based on mood and diet.

Wearable technology will allow athletes' progress to be monitored: Apps will personalize a workout based on stamina. Sensors embedded in shoes and socks will prevent injuries. Straps will help posture.

Wearable technology will allow for co-evolved possibilities, allowing the individual the capabilities of a computer with more sensory information, information relayed through interfaces and a memory reflected through the cloud.

Sensory perception will be augmented through sensors and devices in clothing, through hybrid technology. Biohacked, implanted headphones will allow individuals to locate where the sound came from. Contact lenses will be able to zoom in, helping the eye see better. Hearing aid glasses will allow sound to be amplified through bone conduction.

People will have on-board interfaces, whereby they will be empowered to reduce complex tasks through gestures. Electronic Makeup and wristbands will allow apps and gadgets to activate through micro-movements, like blinking. Photos will be able to be taken though blinking.

Wearable technology will allow individuals to authenticate and verify their identity with computers. Password Pills will be introduced, creating an identification process that is identifiable simply by touch. Wristbands will convert heartbeats into passwords. File transfers will be able to occur through fingers, replacing USB sticks and access keys.

Wearables will allow individuals to upload their experiences into the cloud in real-time, creating a cloud memory. Wearable life-logging cameras will allow photos to be uploaded in real time. Wristbands will record audio memory in real time. Sensors will monitor brainwaves and take videos hands-free.

For more details, check out PSFK and their forecast of Wearable Technology.

Should I buy now or later? The future of wearable technology

The truth is that there is no telling of what the future looks like for wearable technology. There has been no “front runner” thus far. Will Apple join in on this emerging market and create something that will blow everybody away? "We don't know who's going to win," Qualcomm CEO-elect Steve Mollenkopf said. 

What we can be certain about is that we expect many new entrants bringing their new ideas who want to help grow the wearables market. With many more firms joining the market, we can expect the prices to drop as well the importance of aesthetics coming into play. 

Let’s be honest, we cannot see ourselves wearing some of the wearable technologies out there today? Do you want to be wearing Google Glass throughout your whole day? In order for these technologies to sustain the market, they need to make it more attractive for the consumers to buy and wear these efficient, new technologies. 

Whether it continues to be the trend of watches and glasses, or the emergence of new trends, we can count on wearable technologies to be a big part of our daily lives looking in the upcoming years.

Wearables: A Clothing-Computing Love Story

Once upon a time, clothing was plain, simple and as old as 100,000 to 500,000 years. We wore clothing to cover ourselves, to keep us warm

Mankind dabbled into wearing computers on his wrist. First, with the socially acceptable watches; then the first sorts of computing clothes, the Calculator Watch:

Steve Mann, an inventor, researcher, and a great Canadian, had developed, over the years, some early forms of wearable technology:

They were large, bulky, and generally socially unappealing.

Today: Its a marketable, fashionable exploit. Wearable Tech firms have teamed up with the fashion industry. Google Glass has made their deal with Luxottica.

In the future: Who knows? Maybe more than just glasses and watches... What we do know, is that its probably gonna be better than automatic-drying clothes:

Sunday 30 March 2014

Wanna be a better worker? Simple: Get a Google Glass.

Doctors are now using Google Glass to monitor vital signs of patients. This is proof that Google Glass will make you not only more productive, but more informed.

This, coupled with communicable devices, like your talking fridge, can be a killer benefit.

Imagine: A future where not only doctors can receive up to date info, but everyone; Plumbers, Electricians, Police Officers.

If you're working in logistics in a world with communicating devices and wearables, you would immediately know what you have and what you need. Instead of having those ten warehouse workers, you'll need but a few: Stock taking will be a breeze.

Firms are now out to use this technology in all walks of business:

Wearable technology is in its infancy. The benefits will not only make you more productive in your social time, but will enable you to do so much more.
Google Glass will have many benefits in the workplace. Howard Lo, of, explained some benefits of Google Glass in the workplace:

Quality Check: Managers will now be able to know the state of their products, whether they be defective or of poor quality. This would stop defective batches from leaving the production line.

Efficiency Check: Managers will now be able to know how they can make workers more efficient. Is there a faster way to do X activity?

Safety Check: Managers will now be able to know whats unsafe and what is safe in the workplace. Are the crates at the high shelf hanging too far of the ledge? More eyes on the ground means a higher level of safety.

Note-Taking Abilities: Forgot what someone said at the meeting? Audio-to-text, or a video, will allow for every word to be remembered.

Monitoring: In general, the manager will now be able to see everything the worker sees. Overall, workers will be monitored more than previously if a firm adopts this technology.

There are some problems with Google Glass making its appearance in the workplace. Firstly, Google Glass Explorer(the edition already in the market sold for developers) costs $1500. Some people argue that Google Glass will be at a much cheaper $299. This would make sense, as Google has been buying up firms that create materials for their Google Glass, namely: Himax, a supplier of Glass displays. Further, it could be argued that this is a form of price discrimination: People who are buying the explorer are diehard wearable-tech fans and businesses who are willing to pay such high prices. If this is price discrimination, Google will be able to fork out a profit selling its product at a lower price when it comes out to the general public.

"But hold on, is Wearable Technology fashionable?"

Not really, but; The fashion industry is getting its hand on them.

Wearable Techs, or "wearables" refers to the computers that are worn as clothing, in one fashion or another. The techs out there, such as the Google Glass and Galaxy Gear, are big and bulky, dorky clothing items...but they wont always be! Google Glass paired up with big glasses firm, Luxottica, to design more fashionable items, and Luxottica is making a killing designing them.

It would seem that not only Google is fixing itself up; the industry as a whole is getting a make-over. Fashion designers are getting together to put up wearables in fashion and they are showcasing them, making them the latest in must have haute couture. The future of wearables wont look like gadgets, but like any other clothing; and the ones that will look like gadgets will tell on-lookers about the fit, sporty, classy wearers.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Narrative Clip - The diary for today

Once upon a time it was common place for explorers, soldiers and other great manly men to write out their lives and experiences in a daily journal, or diary.

This trend is continuing with current soldiers. I spoke with Master Corporal Siwy, a 13 year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, who kept a journal of both his tours in Afghanistan. "I kept a diary for my first tour daily, and on my second tour I kept an on and off diary."

Narrative Clip takes a picture every 30 seconds in order to log life.

Wouldn't you like to see Grandpa's story, of when he fought in Korea, at every moment? No more "There was this guy and he did the strangest of things: He wore ladies stockings... said it kept him warm!".

You can get your Narrative Clip for $279.